A variety of standard containers, vans, doors, postal services, courier services, bags and so on.
1. Indicative seals.
2. Material: polypropylene.
3. Pure-plastic products, which can be conducive to recycling after using.
4. Lock-body size: 48 mm (length) x 40 mm (width) x 6mm.
Printing area size:25mm (length) X 15mm (width)
5. Self-locking fixed type, which is easy to install.
6. Easy open structure, which can be removed without any tools
after locking.
7. Tensile strength: ≧5kgf.
8. Relative to the same type in the current market seals, which
has better print-areas.
Company logo and/or name, serial number, bar code available.
Yellow, white, green, blue, orange, red (optional).
Packaging:Carton Dimensions 55X40X36cm
Weight 12.5 kg
Quantity 10000 Pcs